December 3, 2008

Turn Your iPhone Into an e-Book - get romance everywhere

The adoption of the iPhone/iPod Touch as general phone, media and internet devices is known and more than covered.

It appears that they are also being adopted as devices for reading eBooks, although when based on free download numbers you never know. They do seem to indicate a lot of interest.

This can only be encouraged when mass media such as J.D. Biersdorfer over at the New Yorks Times covers the fact and the Stanza reader for them.

It seems that publishers are catching onto this quickly, and scrambling to make their content available in the Stanza and other eBook reader formats supported by iPhone eBook reading software (see also "eReader" and "Classics" covered in earlier posts on this blog).

One recent addition is "All Romance eBooks".

If you have eContent you'd like to sell and see this as an opportunity to capitalize on, then the TeleRead blog has some tips and links to help you out here.

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