That made me want to find readers from the other parts of the world, where no one has visited this blog yet.
And I thought of you, my existing readers, and that maybe you could help!
If you know someone in one of the countries list below who might be interested in reading this blog, then please forward the link
to them and if they drop in for a look I'll see their country added!
Countries from which I haven't had a visit yet include:
- Greenland
- Iceland
- Finland
- Poland
- Latvia
- Austria
- Anywhere in the Balkans
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Nicaragua
- Venezuela
- Guyana
- Surinam
- Ecuador
- Peru
- Chile
- Paraguay
- Argentina
- Uruguay
- Anywhere in Africa outside of South Africa!
- Madagascar
- Anywhere in the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan
- Azerbaijan
- Georgia
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan
- Kyrggyzstan
- Tajikistan
- Nepal
- Bangladesh
- Mongolia
- Myanmar (Burma)
- Thailand
- Laos
- Vietnam
- North Korea
- Papua New Guinea
If you visit from one of those countries, feel free to add a comment and I'l either post it, or add your message or name (as you wish) against your country.
Thanks for your help in this somewhat whimsical quest...